October 10, 2004

45 大成若缺 其用不弊


大成若缺 其用不弊
大盈若沖 其用不窮
大直若屈 大巧若拙 大辯若訥
躁勝寒 靜勝熱 清靜為天下正


Great accomplishment seems imperfect,
Yet it does not outlive its usefulness.
Great fullness seems empty,
Yet it cannot be exhausted.

Great straightness seems twisted.
Great intelligence seems stupid.
Great eloquence seem awkward.

Movement overcomes cold.
Stillness overcomes heat.
Stillness and tranquility set things in order in the universe.

45 (ah san)

The perfect seems imperfect,
Yet it has no flaws.
The fullest seems empty,
Yet it has no bound.

The straightest line seems bent;
The cleverest act seems clumsy;
The wisest words seem senseless.

"Nothing is as what it seems."

Warmth overcomes coldness;
Stillness overcomes chaos;
Warmth and stillness bring harmony to the world.


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