48 為學日益 為道日損
為學日益 為道日損
損之又損 以至於無為
及其有事 不足以取天下
In the pursuit of learning, every day something is acquired.
In the pursuit of Tao, every day something is dropped.
Less and less is done
Until non-action is achieved.
When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.
The world is ruled by letting things take their course.
It cannot be ruled by interfering.
To reach Tao, study and gain more knowledge everyday, and then unlearn a little everyday until one has achieved quiescence. This is the state of enlightenment. When one is in harmony with the universe, all things are possible. But when one fights against nature, one is bound to lose. The Master stays calm and his wisdom has illuminated the whole world.
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