July 29, 2004

79 和大怨 必有餘怨


和大怨 必有餘怨
有德司契 無德司徹
天道無親 常與善人


After a bitter quarrel, some resentment must remain.
What can one do about it?
Therefore the sage keeps his half of the bargain
But does not exact his due.
A man of Virtue performs his part,
But a man without Virtue requires others to fulfill their obligations.
The Tao of heaven is impartial.
It stays with good men all the time.


When conflict is reconciled,
surely some hatred remain;
This doesn't seem right.

Therefore the sage keeps his half of the tally,
But demands no payment from others.
The man of virtue take charge of the tally;,
The man of no virtue takes charge of exaction.

Nature is impartial.
It always helps kind people.

79, again, on how to deal with people

Even after a bitter quarrel is dissolved, people are still unhappy.
There must be a better way!

The wise one keeps his words and keeps his mouth shut.
He doesn't go after other people and demand their reason.
Remember, there's no rule in this world.
Be good and have your peace.

79. (st)

when an argument is settled,
feelings of resentment still remain
on either side.
What's the point of carrying a grudge?

The Masters care
about what they owe other people,
not what other people owe them.

People who are in touch with Tao
do their duty.
People who aren't
try to force others into submission.

Tao doesn't play favorites.
But if you do right by Tao,
Tao will do right by you.


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