October 20, 2004

54 善建者不拔 善抱者不脫


善建者不拔 善抱者不脫
修之於身 其德乃真
修之於家 其德乃餘
修之於鄉 其德乃長
修之於邦 其德乃豐
修之於天下 其德乃普
故以身觀身 以家觀家
以鄉觀鄉 以邦觀邦
吾何以知天下然哉 以此


What is firmly established cannot be uprooted.
What is firmly grasped cannot slip away.
It will be honored from generation to generation.

Cultivate Virtue in your self,
And Virtue will be real.
Cultivate it in the family,
And Virtue will abound.
Cultivate it in the village,
And Virtue will grow.
Cultivate it in the nation,
And Virtue will be abundant.
Cultivate it in the universe,
And Virtue will be everywhere.

Therefore look at the body as body;
Look at the family as family;
Look at the village as village;
Look at the nation as nation;
Look at the universe as universe.

How do I know the universe is like this?
By looking!


The good builder does not let shake,
The good holder does not let drop.
Remember this, and teach your children.

Practice this in relationship with your self,
your gain shall be genuine.
Practice this in relationship with your family,
your gain shall be ample.
Practice this in relationship with your neighbors,
your gain shall be lasting.
Practice this in relationship with your nation,
your gain shall be abundant.
Practice this in relationship with the world,
your gain shall be immense.

Observe one's self using his practice with the self;
Observe one's family using his practice with the family.
Observe one's neighbors using his practice with the neighbors.
Observe one's nation using his practice with the nation.
Observe one's world using his practice with the world.

How does LaoZi know this is true?
Because this is exactly his own practice.


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