October 25, 2004

17 太上 不知有之


太上 不知有之
其次 親而譽之
其次 畏之
其次 侮之
信不足焉 有不信焉  
悠兮其貴言 功成事遂
百姓皆謂 「我自然」


The very highest is barely known by men.
Then comes that which they know and love.
Then that which is feared.
Then that which is despised.

He who does not trust enough will not be trusted.

When actions are performed
Without unnecessary speech.
People say, "We did it!"


Of anything, that includes anyone, any idea, any place, any thing,
The best can be merely sensed;
The good are admired and wanted;
The bad are feared and avoided.
The worst are simply despised.

The natural deeds are done without suspicion,
Without effort,
Without words.


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