November 04, 2004

26 重為輕根 靜為躁君


重為輕根 靜為躁君
雖有榮觀 燕處超然
奈何萬乘之主 而以身輕天下
輕則失根 躁則失君


The heavy is the root of the light;
The still is the master of unrest.

Therefore the sage, traveling all day,
Does not lose sight of his baggage.
Though there are beautiful things to be seen,
He remains unattached and calm.

Why should the lord of ten thousand chariots act lightly in public?
To be light is to lose one's root.
To be restless is to lose one's control.

26. (ah san)

heaviness can master lightness,
calmness can tame restlessness.
to travel far, take all the necessities,
but even with lots of money, live simply.

how come some people think it's easy to govern a nation?

lightness leads to loss of direction.
restlessness leads to lost of control.


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